A while back Song asked me "can you remember a day you didn't eat chocolate?"
I pondered the question.
It's so stereotypical that I'm a chick and I love chocolate. I hate stereotypes, I mean I really hate them -- but for the life of me I can
not stop eating chocolate.
I don't know how people keep chocolate in their house and refrain from eating it. You know what I mean, like those pretty little glass bowls with Hershey's kisses in them. I asked a girlfriend who always has holiday-themed candy on display how she stays away from them, "oh I don't know, I guess I just think of them as decoration."
Really? I think of them as CHOCOLATE. Meanwhile, I don't care if it's August and they are little pink and red foil covered hearts from Valentine's Day --when no one is looking I will steal those chocolates and shove them in my mouth.
I crave chocolate. When I'm dieting I
dream about it. Don't get me wrong, I still eat chocolate when I'm dieting. I eat that Skinny Cow stuff, and the fat-free brownie mix that Trader Joe's sells. I know, I know it's not really chocolate but, it does the job -- most of the time.
Today after lunch I was seriously craving chocolate. When this happens I'm pretty much unstoppable. I've been known to try to make chocolate pancakes at 10 p.m. because the only thing I had in my pantry was coco powder.
Today I ravished Katie's chocolate coins from
Finn's pirate birthday party.

Then, I moved onto the only other chocolate I could find in the house -- chocolate chips which I ate with peanut butter.

I know I'm sad. But, I'm only a girl.