I love how when she jumps around she either says, "hopscotch, hopscotch" or "salta!"
I love how she only calls Katie "sis," and never refers to her or calls her by her name.
I call her my little anime girl -- big 'ol round eyes on a little tiny face.
I need to take more video of her talking these days, because she's a crack up, and I know in a blink that little voice will be gone.
My brother has proclaimed she sounds like an elf.
Part elf, part robot, often sentences will start and end with the word "Mom," except it sounds like "Mam."
"Mam, you got big knife, Mam," she will say flatly as I'm cutting up her strawberries in the morning.
Okay, enough gushing. I'll be sure to look back at this post another day when the girl is a teenager and driving me crazy.