L.A. has many a con including the fact that it's huge and it sits between me and my little brother.
Driving through it is like rolling the dice when it comes to traffic. Throw your kids in the mix and the stakes get even higher.
This week we headed down so the girls could visit Amy, Scott and baby Charlotte again.

We just saw Charlotte last week, and I swear she's already so much bigger!
After dinner we treated ourselves to some See's hence Mo's stash and goat.
We pull up, Katie sees the gigantic cube structure and says, "Mom, how are we going to balance in there?!"
Scotty and I had fun throwing balls in the exhibit that measured mph, shooting pucks with a hockey stick and more.
"Hey girls, do you want to see pucks shot at Uncle Scott?!"

We called this exhibit Create Your Own Child Molester because everyone we tried to make ended up looking quite frightening.
I like seeing my little brother with my kids -- even when he's helping to administer first aid (applying a band aide on the tiniest, read: practically non-existent boo-boo).

Thanks for hosting us Uncle Scott and Auntie Amy!