Wednesday, March 24, 2010

you know you're old when

you take your kid to a museum and this is on display...

Yep, right next to the pretend water pump and telegraph.

Me: Honey, do you know what that is?

Katie (in a very matter-of-fact-tone): It's a computer Mama!


ricebabies said...

I agree, I was quite shocked to find that I have become "vintage".

jozen said...

my co-worker and i had this exact same conversation.

i remember when i had to type out school papers and i would be so frustrated when i made a typo and then i would white it out, type over it and more often that not the white out was not dry yet... and it became this sicky white glob on the paper. UGH.

Geoyce said...

Geez. I still remember filling out my college apps with a typewriter.

jen@odbt said...

I"m dating myself here but I took typing in high school. It helps with all the keyboarding I do now.

Pren said...

i took typewriting in high school as well...the good old IBM Selectric II.

ah the days before word processing. becks, i think you and i rivaled at ucsd for oldest pc, but my IBM PC/XT still predated your 286! =)

Christie said...

That is hilarious! We had a similar conversation at the beginning of this school of the classrooms at Finn's preschool has a typewriter, the kids LOVE it! Unlike a computer, if you push/pound several keys at once you can actually make the little letter strike pads (or whatever those are called) get all jammed up...that's fun to do too.

Small Burst said...

LOL. Back in the day my prized possession was my Brother electronic typewriter and everyone would want to borrow it. I guess that makes me officially old.