We ventured through multiple counties to the O.C. this weekend for Cam's big birthday.
First stop, breakfast with Uncle Scott before he had to go to work.
We noshed at Brownstone Cafe, one of our old favorites during our brief stay in Fullerton a couple of years back.
We drove by our old house and showed Katie the hospital she was born in -- though it's been completely remodeled and looks nothing like it did when we lived there.
It was pretty hot on the playground -- good thing Cam's birthday wasn't two weeks ago when all of So Cal felt like it was in a gigantic oven.
It made me glad that we live by the beach as I can't imagine baking on a playground as hot as this on a regular basis.
I lived in the Midwest and the Bay Area, but now I'm only comfortable between the temperatures of 68 and 78. It's funny how fast you acclimate to a temperate climate.
The kids of course were fine.
What a great family pic!!
Don't let Becky lie to you all... she is not comfortable when it is 78. She needs to narrow the range to 68-74. By the way, she says its "freezing" at times here.
Her loving husband.
what fun! btw - song's hair looks perfectly coifed in these pics. how much extra time did he take than you? :)
Look Miyo B., some of us are not blessed with beauty, so it takes time for us to look presentable.
Thanks for noticing my good hair day.
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