Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Waiting for Papa
This means we get to sit outside to wait for Papa to come home from work.
We pick leaves and grass. We run around on the sidewalk. Sometimes we bust out the chalk.
Katie can't wait until Maddie gets old enough to play hide and seek with her.
Until then...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Solamente chalk
i madonnari event.
I'm always so amazed by things like this in part because I am so not artistic or crafty.
It's simply amazing to see what people can do with mere chalk.
We ran into our friends Ellie, Lara and baby Luca which was a pleasant surprise.
This lady offered the girls to help color in some petals down towards the bottom of her picture.
I don't think she realized that 3-year olds don't exactly color within the lines. I apologized for the scribbling and she said it was okay and that she would "fix it later after we left."
There were chalk renditions of a number of famous paintings including those by Diego Rivera, Michelangelo and Edvard Munch, but this was Katie's favorite by far...
No pretzels, cotton candy, hot dogs or churros (a.k.a. Katie food) here. I had told Katie we'd get a treat and I was getting a bit worried.
I finally found a little ice cream cart hiding out. The only ice cream they had that wasn't coffee-flavored or Cherry Garcia was this ginormous cone. Katie was quite pleased.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Win. Win. Win.
When we go we always spend multiple hours there.
Katie has always loved the huge sand pit they have there. And, today we discovered that Maddie was pretty keen on it too.
She didn't eat too much sand. I only caught her once on all fours (yes, like a dog) licking the sand. Only steps from the beach, the other big draw is the fact that the train goes right past the place and super close.
Big fun.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ugly Ducks, Rides & Polliwogs
Busy weekend.
We started by going to the other local high school's spring musical Honk which was the story of the Ugly Duckling.
Like her father, she is also a sucker for fair food.
The combo of the two ended up winning them over.
She is just so happy on those rides. It's hard to deny the girl.
On Sunday we ventured out on Mission Pollilwog.
We started the hike late in the afternoon but it was still quite toasty out there.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dancing, dancing, dancing machine

I keep calling them Greg and Ted out of habit (some old friends).
Katie corrects me every time, "No Mama, dem Steve and Greg."
Katie danced her derriere off at show.
I know lots of kids love dancing, but when it's your own kid it never ceases to crack you up.
She's got a couple of Classic Katie moves:
-- Elbows out rocking back and forth
All of them incorporate jumping and spinning. Because if you aren't spinning, you aren't really dancing...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Alone Time
Do I clean my floor? Do I mow the lawn? Do I nap?
In the end, I went antiquing.
Let me caveat this by saying, I'm not a real antique shopper. I just like looking at things.
I ended up buying two little metallic trays. I had Maddie's room in mind which is green and yellow (maybe I'll snap some shots of it someday). This first one works perfectly and we now have it on her dresser with her lotion and hand cleaner on it.
I had thought about getting a massage, but I'm really glad I didn't. I spent way less money, and am very pleased with my little finds.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Her Partner in Crime
On Mother's Day we got a little performance by the girls.
...yes, those are leotards over their dresses/pants,
...yes, those are tights over their leotards,
...yes, those are sandals over their tights,
...yes, that is the "Daisy" song from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and finally,
...yes, that is Maddie raising the roof in the background because she enjoys the show that much.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Into the Belly of the Beast
Los Angeles, The Cons
Smog, people, people and more people all equating to too many cars, and the ultimate deterrent -- traffic.
Every parent fears being stuck in traffic with two small children. In L.A. I feel as if this is a daily, if not hourly risk regardless of the day of the week or time.
Today after a relentless drive -- where we hit traffic on the 101, 134, 5 and 10 freeways -- we finally made it to a dinner.
Dinner -- real Chinese food in Monterey Park -- was good. It was nice to see everyone. We tried to get a picture with all the little ones in the family.
This was the best one we took -- and, yes, presently we all have girls.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mommies & Kiddos Day at the Beach
I love that you can wake up in the morning and decide, "it feels warm today, we should go to the beach."
Sure, Little Wickies + sand = a ton of mess and work for mom, but it is always well worth it.
Here is Parker and Katie -- sand-free and dry -- ready to start the day at the beach.