Thursday, February 12, 2009

Strawberry Season is Here...Finally!

The farm behind us has had a sign up for close to month hailing "Opening Feb. 4." Katie has been waiting for months for the stand to open up so we can buy strawberries.

In anticipation, Song drew a little strawberry on her calendar on the 4th so she knew when we could go get our first flat (they X out each day on the calendar before she goes to bed.)

Feb. 4th came, we played it up. Katie told us "I so eccited (excited)." We went to the little booth to find the sign had changed to "Opening Feb. 10."


Feb. 10th comes, I pile the kids in the car we drive over to the booth to find the sign now reads "Opening Feb. 11th."

"Those people are kind of sneaky," says Katie.

My sentiments exactly.

Alas, our Feb. 11th pilgrimage was a success. Good thing because I'm not sure how much longer me and my 3-year old could hold out for this fruity goodness.


Jenny said...

Those are the biggest reddest strawberries I've ever seen. Yum! How long will it last?

Becky said...

the strawberries will last about a week if we don't finish them off before then!

Jennifer said...

And, where can we find these delicious looking strawberries?

Kate said...

where is this little slice of berry heaven? because those are gorgeous!

Becky said...

Strawberries are at the field where Kimball "Ts" into Telephone.