That's right 2011 is over already. Which left me to the task of trying to narrow down my top 10 pics of the year...
#1: Still BFF's -- The girls are closer than ever. I get teary-eyed every time I think of them being best friends throughout their life.

#2: "I can read the words on T.V. mom": If a single statement can make a mom feel awful and guilty, that's definitely one of them. Katie's world opened up this year with the addition of her glasses.

#3: Mo becomes a Papa's girl -- While Katie's been a staunch Team Papa member from the beginning, Mo turned the corner this year and discovered just how fun he is. Nothing like everyone squished on one side of the booth with dad while mom sits with plenty of elbow room on the other side...

#4: My babygirl goes to real school -- (cue violin) they grow so fast, what happened to my baby? Katie started Kindergarten this year, lost her first tooth and is doing so many big girl things it make me a little sad, but a lot proud.

#5: Nightly rituals -- Nearly every night we sneak in and peek on the girls before we go to bed. Sleeping kids are cute, but better than that are the wild and crazy positions they are always in. It's like sleeping Twister. What I love most is that they are always on their pillows, right side up and under the covers in morning when we go in.

#6: "I'm riding my own new big bike" -- Speaking of big girls. This girl can write her name (granted she writes "Mo"), rides a "big girl" bike and possibly best of all potty trained in record time... yes, she was almost 3-1/2 but it was a painful couple of days and that was about it.

#7: We heart music -- And, now in addition to singing in the choir and the at-home karaoke machine, we've added a piano into the mix. Perhaps lessons will be in store for 2012.

#8: Why did the chicken cross the road? -- Between the knock-knock jokes that make no sense to playing April Fool's Day jokes on them, they are as ridiculous as they are fun to watch as their sense of humor develops.

#9: My partner in crime -- Since Mo wasn't potty trained she didn't start preschool last fall which was honestly, fine with me. I love my Mo time. She can be so pleasant. She's my sidekick for everything from running errands to when we want boba drinks...

#10: Girl time -- I always thought I wanted a boy and a girl when I was, well, a young girl. But, I have to say even thought I'm not much of a girly-girl I love having two girls and have enjoyed immensely living in our predominantly girl world.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season!
Wishing you and yours a fantastic 2012!