Ballet is one of Kaitlyn's favorite activities. We've been doing it for awhile now. She says she's ready for the big girl class where the mommies just sit on the side and watch. The last two classes she has made me sit down to show me she can do it (it's a Mommy & Me class). So, since I was just sitting there today I decided to snap some photos.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tiny Dancer
Ballet is one of Kaitlyn's favorite activities. We've been doing it for awhile now. She says she's ready for the big girl class where the mommies just sit on the side and watch. The last two classes she has made me sit down to show me she can do it (it's a Mommy & Me class). So, since I was just sitting there today I decided to snap some photos.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Zoo Day
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Confessions of a Pongonk
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
M.C. Katie
She yells "Pete."
So, Song responds with "Pete," back at her -- for no obvious reason.
Then, Katie starts telling us "When I say Pete, you say Pete."
"Pete," yells Katie from the potty.
"Pete," yells Song from the bedroom.
Then she goes on with "When I say giant, you say giant."
"Giant," yells Katie from the potty.
"Giant," yells Song from the bedroom.
Song and I were laughing pretty hard. If you didn't listen to rap in the 80s this story probably doesn't make much sense to you, but if you did I hope you found this as funny as we did.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sickening Tale
Ever since Katie was little she would get sick when she was really upset -- and, yes I did say get sick, as in throw up.
Now that she is older it has become her "weapon" of choice against us.
Yesterday she decided she did not need a nap. She had "quiet time" instead in her room.
As what I believe was a direct result, Ms. I-Don't-Need-A-Nap had a series of break downs in the afternoon. Finally I told her if she was going to continue to cry she needed to go and do it in her room. She went in her room, and quickly came out yelling, "I'm going to get sick."
I promptly gave her a bowl and sent her back to her room. Most of the time the "I'm going to get sick" routine is a bluff. However, judging when it is and isn't a sham is like a dangerous game of Russian Roulette. I don't recommend it for the faint of heart - or for those who are vehemently against cleaning vomit out of sheets, carpet, etc.
She went back in and cried. I listened carefully to make sure she wasn't indeed getting sick. After 15 minutes -- silence. I went in and found this.
Seriously, that girl is something else.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tutu Sisters
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Love Me Some Shopping
I also love the ones on Plonka by Dalinda. I've fallen for this sweet little number with the Japanese cotton fabric . I haven't purchased it yet, but am itching to do so. Not sure how many little zipper pouches I really need, but I'm sure I can find something to put in them!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday Mornings
She starts with stretching and then follows with a litany of different activities.
Katie absolutely loves the trampoline. She literally throws herself all over the place as you can see.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nice Little Afternoon
We decided to go out on an adventure on her bike.
We geared up with her helmet (safety first!) and put Maddie in the sling and we were off!
Katie peddled all the way to what just may be her preschool soon.
She is very excited about the prospect of going to school. She keeps talking about "going on the potty all the time so she can go to school."
Then with a very satisfied look on her face, Katie strutted back to the bike and we headed home.
Because what goes better with a beautiful sunset than a book?!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Maddie Roll
I mentioned before how Maddie started to roll from her back onto her stomach recently. Here she is in action below!
She's also started actually laughing. I've yet to get this on video as everytime I pull out the camera, she freezes up and stops laughing. It's like she knows I'm trying to get video of her.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Three Girl Pile-Up on the Southbound Exit
This particular day at the park the girls repeatedly went down the slide together -- yes, all three of them at the same time and the result, well you can see...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dylann Turns 3
My friend Miyo is an over-achiever, period. This weekend Dylann turned 3 and she -- as always -- out did herself. The party was a princess themed affair. There were cute little invitations, and then when we arrived we found a little castle....

...and a big castle.

Miyo even made -- yes, hand-made -- beautiful fruit bouquets. She said they were "easy," to make. Somehow I seriously doubt that.

Friday, November 7, 2008 Grand Opening & Giftcard Giveaway!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
In the Night Kitchen with Uncle Scott
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Slowest Roll - Bowling with Katie

They had bowling shoes for the girls which were absolutely adorable on them.
Both Katie and her friend Dylann liked pushing the ball down the lanes themselves. It was too funny -- their ball would move at a snail's pace down the lanes (you can see just how slow in the video below). A couple of times the ball actually stopped in the lane and the attendant had to be called to get it.
What's amazing is that both of the girls actually bowled a strike. Katie kept talking about how she knocked all "those things" down.
Katie equally enjoyed -- if not more so -- the food and libations which included a hot dog, chili cheese fries and a smoothie. I know, the meal of champions.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First Fire
*raining "hard" is a relative statement as we do live in Southern California
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Dragon Tales

"Oh, that's a dragon," I sad nonchalantly.
"I want that."
So, a dragon she was. I was a little disappointed at first. The costume looked obnoxious on the hanger in the store and it was clearly on the "boys" side of the costumes. But, once she had it on I realized it was perfect.

I don't think she really knew what a dragon was. I thought about it and none of her books have dragons in them, and she pretty much only watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (her favorite) on television. And, since I've also seen every episode (there are unfortunately a fairly limited number of episodes) I know there is not one with a dragon.
As always the kids were ridiculously cute all together...

The mission to obtain candy prevailed as the troops pushed on through a number of sometimes scary and difficult obstacles -- through a house with a moving hand in a candy bowl that made a grab for them when they reached for treats, through some pretty dense fog that made it difficult to see and further obscured some frightening decorations and finally a good spill followed by tears over a small brick garden divider by Katie.

Enjoying their loot on the front porch.