Sunday, July 24, 2011

summer reading

While I have a stack of books in my "to be read" pile under my nightstand, I generally have an audio book or two on my iPod for when I go running, or when performing something mundane like dishes.

I tend to download classics, because they are free.

I just finished Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Before now, I had never tackled anything by her. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated. But, I have to say I really enjoyed this book. It was funny and interesting.

To sum it up it's about a man named Orlando in the 16th century. He lives a very quirky life, oh, and he never grows old. And, then about a hundred or so years in, he wakes up as a woman -- and his/her life gets even quirkier. The book goes through "present day" (which is 1928).

I need some more classics to download on my iPod.

Do you have a favorite classic novel?


ricebabies said...

Not a novel, but I grabbed Spousonomics for my trip to Texas.

jozen said...

most definitely Jane eyre! and it's not a classic but I just finished the help and I loved it! a definite must read!

tiffany__dawn said...

it was lovely meeting you on saturday and learning about your precious children (who are ADORABLE by the way) and their sense of style. ;)