Friday, October 16, 2009

sqaure food was so yesterday

Clockwise starting with "Meats & Beans" -- some chicken and two beans; apple, grapes and a kiwi; milk (duh); peas; bread, pasta and rice.



I ran today.

Sadly what motivated me was the fact that I have to be in a bathing suit tomorrow for Maddie’s swim class. Rationally I know running will:

A) not make me look remotely skinnier in less than 24 hours

B) not cancel out the candy bars, cowboy cookies, Pringles and other crap I consumed earlier in the week.

Alas, I run because the rational world is way over rated and -- a girl can always hope.


Jen said...

Hey, at least you get in the pool with your kid! My shame keeps me from even enjoying my kid's swim lesson! And you look great anyway, so what are you talking about??

jen@odbt said...

Umm. I've seen a pic of you in your suit and you don't need to worry my dear.