Sunday, October 25, 2020

the air is getting cooler


and the view is getting better.

For some reason you can't see our beloved islands during a good portion of the summer/when it gets warmer.  

In winter, the views around town get even that much more spectacular. 

Those peeks of blue that we have -- hands down the best part of this house for me.

Sunday, October 18, 2020


Kids are still not tired of surfing.  Seriously, 4+ times a week, they sneak in a session whenever they can.  Last Friday night they were in the water until dark.

I do very much enjoy watching them surf though.  

KT ... 


Mo ... 

Friday, October 16, 2020

it begins...

We've started our backyard remodel.

Here is the day before we started...

On Day One this happened ... 

And, by the end of Day Two:

Here's Fitz trying to figure out what happened ...

More to come.