That's not a reference to the throwback outfits the girls wore to the Sock Hop Dance at school. I'm referring to the girl/boy behavior at the dance itself.
According to my girls here is a recap of events by grade level:
- Kinder/1 & 2nd graders -- danced their booties off.
- 3rd graders -- this is the year they get more apprehensive and worried about how they look in front of others. Apparently, Mo and her friends walked around most of the dance, you know, just scoping the scene.
- 4th graders -- limited intel gathered on 4th graders.
- 5th graders -- Lots of standing around in small groups. There was some "daring" of dancing with boys and vice versa. Katie apparently danced with a boy.
I've been hearing lots of stories about 5h grade boys and girls, and frankly, it's got me a little worried. I do remember people having crushes and starting to pair off nearing middle school, but geez, when you have a kid that age, it changes the game!
I keep telling the girls "boys are bad, stay away from them," and "boys are gross, stay away from them."
I'm only half joking.
I guess Song has it worse. While I definitely want to protect them, there is something about a daddy and his daughters. I mean, he tears up when he sees anything having to do with a dad and his daughter -- television show, a commercial, I swear even a "touching" print ad will get him.