Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nice Little Afternoon

Katie has had a couple of trying days/nights as of late so it was really great that we had a nice little afternoon the other day.

We decided to go out on an adventure on her bike.

We geared up with her helmet (safety first!) and put Maddie in the sling and we were off!

Katie peddled all the way to what just may be her preschool soon.

She is very excited about the prospect of going to school. She keeps talking about "going on the potty all the time so she can go to school."

We walked around the empty preschool. We peeked in the windows, tested out the water fountain and restrained ourselves from climbing on the play structure.

Then with a very satisfied look on her face, Katie strutted back to the bike and we headed home.

Later the same evening we were treated to a pretty spectacular sunset. We went outside to take it in. When we got outside Katie took a look around and promptly decided that she should also bring a book to read outside.

Because what goes better with a beautiful sunset than a book?!

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